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The traditional materials for F1 to F3 finishing work rolls are cast adamite and high chromium cast iron composite rolls with centrifugal casting. It should be said that the progress from cast adamite to high-chromium cast iron is a great advancement, which not only improves the wear resistance and thermal crack resistance of the roll surface, but also suppresses the defects on the roll surface. High-chromium cast iron rolls improved the surface quality of the rolls.

Because of the increasing demand for hot-rolled coils with high surface quality requirements, since the 1990s, the centrifugal casting high-speed steel composite rolls have become increasingly popular in the F1 to F3 stands. The core of those rolls is ductile iron. The wear resistance and thermal crack resistance are excellent and it effectively overcomes the defects of the roll surface. It is especially suitable for rolling high surface quality coils and stainless steel plates. The high speed steel work rolls can be used continuously from 3 to 7 rolling cycle without grinding. The service life increased more than 3 times higher than normal high chromium cast iron rolls.
