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The commonly used methods for hardness testing of forged steel rolls

Hardness is a very important technical value of roll products. The commonly used hardness testing methods for forged steel rolls are: Vickers hardness (HV), Shore hardness (HSD, HSC), Leeb hardness (LD, LE), Brinell hardness. (HB), Rockwell hardness (HRC). Vickers hardness, Brinell hardness and Rockwell hardness are press-in hardness, and Shore hardness and Leeb hardness are rebound hardness.

The hardness test of forging steel rolls in China always use HB and HSD, among which HB is only suitable for low hardness roll detection. For the hardness testing of high-hardness forged steel cold rolling mill rolls, HV, Leeb and Shore hardness always been used internationally.

Due to some characteristics of the forged steel roll, such as microstructure, depth of quenching hardness, residual surface stress value and type of roll hardness testing instrument, the hardness test results of the roll will be affected. So far, there is no uniform hardness conversion standard in the world. A simple hardness conversion table is not suitable for the hardness values of forged steel cold rolling mill rolls in different countries and manufacturers.
