According to the matching diagram of rolls, manufacture a specific roll mold with grooves in advance, then the roll casted by the mold is called grooved roll. The grooved roll has the characteristics of relatively lighter weight, less metal loss, uniform hardness of the surface layer of grooves surface, small hardness drop and good wear resistance.

We have tried the grooved rolls on the finished mills of ∠5, ∠6.3, ∠10, ∠12.5, [16, etc. The roll material is made of NiCrMo infinite chilled ductile iron (II).

Through the statistics and analysis of the test data for one year, the practice shows that the use of the grooved roll significantly increases the single hole rolling amount, reduces the roll grinding amount, and reduces the roll consumption. By using grooved rolls, the quality of the steel surface is generally improved.

Previously, the production of steel for steel tower always had problems such as a lot of pitting on the surface of the steel and worse surface roughness. After using grooved rolls for K1 stand, it significantly improved the surface quality of the steel.

Compared with ordinary flat rolls, the average rolling amount per millimeter of the grooved rolls is significantly improved.

Rolling Products ∠ 5 ∠ 6.3 ∠ 10 ∠ 12.5 [16
Grooved rolls Average rolling amount per groove/t150174300331438
Average rolling amount per mm/t 370331655431219
Ordinary rolls Average rolling amount per groove/t*mm-1 123136272242317
Average rolling amount per mm/t*mm-1 286299367266123