1) Selected the materials for rolls which have good wear resistance and thermal crack resistance. The hardness of rolls should be controlled within a reasonable range. Select suitable heat treatment and physical &chemical treatment measures to homogenize the structure and increase the surface wear resistance.

2) The roll is subjected to comprehensive inspections such as hardness and ultrasonic wave before using to ensure that it has no defects such as cracks.

3) When the roll is turned, the residual oxide layer and cracks must be completely removed to reduce the surface crack and peeling of the roll.

4) Reasonably arrange the roll change cycle, select the roll, and formulate a detailed roll repair plan to control the turning amount within the required range.

5) Reasonably arrange the cooling water injection range and control the cooling water flow to ensure that the roll cooling temperature is controlled within the normal range.

6) Strengthen equipment inspection to prevent accidents in rolling equipment and reduce the occurrence of accidents such as stuck steel, stack steel and rear-end collision. Strictly control the rolling temperature, prevent black steel and low temperature steel from passing through the rolling mill to avoid rolling force overload.