Section rolling mill is a rolling mill for producing bars of particular cross-sections. The rolls of the section mills are cut into several holes with different specifications based on the requirements of product applications and specifications. According to the requirements of rolling techniques, the section mills roll the incoming billets plenty of passes to be different products such as V section, I beam, H section and etc.

There are many categories of section mills. They are commonly divided into large, medium and small section mills by the roll diameters. Heavy section mills produce not only beams, but also channels, angles, shipbuilding sections, special sections, and sheet piles. Medium section mills are perfect for smaller beams, channels, angles, flats as well as special sections. 

Rail mills are designed specifically for producing rails for railroads as well as crane rails, tram rails, and special rails. But it’s still a special mill type belong to section mills.

 The section mills also can be divided into single stand mills, open-train mills, and in-line rolling mills and staggered rolling mills in accordance with layouts. Another classification of section mills is in light of various steel types, they can be divided into structural mills, H type steel mills and ball flat steel mills.