Grinding wheel selection, static balance and dressing method

Grinding wheels for grinding cold rolls are generally selected with soft grinding wheels.  Particle size of the grinding wheels should be between 80 mesh and 120 mesh. The grinding wheel should be carefully and repeatedly statically balanced before use. When the grinding wheel is clamped, the impurities of the grinding wheel shaft and the cone […]

The commonly used methods for hardness testing of forged steel rolls

[av_one_full first min_height=” vertical_alignment=” space=” custom_margin=” margin=’0px’ padding=’0px’ border=” border_color=” radius=’0px’ background_color=” src=” background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’ animation=” mobile_display=”] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] The commonly used methods for hardness testing of forged steel rolls Hardness is a very important technical value of roll products. The commonly used hardness testing methods for forged steel rolls are: Vickers […]